Monday, October 13, 2008

October 13, 2008

A Mandi Tip!!
I always burn stuff!!! I get so sidetracked that I forget to flip the grilled cheese or turn the omelet. Keep in mind that I am also feeding a 6 month old cereal, unloading the dishwasher, helping put a jigsaw puzzle together, sounding out a word with a 4 year old, holding an almost 2 year old that wants to "help" and a barrage of other things while making whatever it is that is always burning on the stove! I had an aha! moment tonight. Turn the timer on for a minute. The timer beeps every minute as a reminder until you turn it off! Of course, the kids scream, "it's ready!!!" every minute of cooking dinner but that itself is a good reminder to check on whatever I am cooking. I will never burn anything again. Well.....I will burn less.

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