Here is a quick update. I won't always write about everyone this way but I figured that it would help for everyone to know the latest. We have been doing pretty well lately but it has been crazy. We seem to be very busy, but I can't say what we've been busy doing!! Living I guess.
Drew is doing really well. He is so smart. I never seem to know what to teach him because I am always surprised he is able to know the things he does. He has an awesome vocabulary. We were watching the movie "Monster's Inc." recently and he said, "Mommy, that child is antagonizing Randle!!!" I asked him what "antagonize" means and he said that she was bothering him. He memorizes very well. He knows his address, phone number, and the first few catechisms. He is learning the alphabet in sign language also. I have a little bit of a hard time with getting him to write letters or draw. He would rather do computer things. I bargain with him already. If he practices his letters, he gets computer time. It's not that he can't do them. He just gets them and then thinks he has it right, why keep doing it. He is like that with many things. Once he learns it, he's done and gets bored really easily. He is so sweet and still such a cuddle bug. I don't like to think that one day he will not want to get in my lap and he will one day be embarrassed to give me hugs and kisses.
Logan is still a ball full of energy which is so funny since he is soooo shy. If you say anything in an "I'm proud of you" voice and he instantly puts his head down with his chin to his chest and looks up at you and then away. It is the cutest look. He is very concerned about the funniest things. He is also our hoarder. He decides he wants something for the day and that is what he carries with him all day. It is usually a Lightening McQueen car and one of his stuffed animals.
Peyton can count to 12! I am always amazed at what my kids can do. She almost has all of her letter sounds down also. She can sing anything. I don't remember the boys forming their words as well at this age. Her favorite song right now is a Nora Jones song about a little girl dancing. After that, she loves Laurie Berkner's "Moon Moon Moon." She loves all things Veggie Tales. Her favorite thing to do, after terrorizing her brothers, is dressing up. She is infatuated with all babies, especially her own baby Carter. She is always saying "Carter is cute, Mommy!"
PS. She has a new favorite. She made me sing the Little Mermaid song over and over before bed tonight. She also LOVES her pink blanket, "blankie" of course, with pictures of Disney Princesses on it. Anytime she is upset of tired, she wants her blankie.
Carter is almost over his cold but is still rather fussy. He has not slept well in the past few nights but I am hoping tonight will be better. He is growing way too fast. He can sit up while perched on his hands but he still falls over a lot. He can almost crawl forward. He scoots forward and backwards and rolls all around. He is simply precious. Our most joyful child yet!
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