Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5, 2008

December 5, 2008
Well, as it has been brought to my attention, I have failed at keeping this up to date already. I have only 4 KIDS 4 AND UNDER as my excuse!!! Seriously, we have been so busy (having fun) that I haven't thought to share how much fun we have been having. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mom, Bob, and Sam came to Chattanooga for a few days and we all had a great time playing with the kids. Now, we are knee deep in the Christmas season with church functions, parties, birthdays, crafts, baking, and shopping. Peyton will turn 2 next week, Drew is a Shepard in the church Christmas program, Carter is "cruising" along furniture and said "da da" (even though I am not sure he knows it means anything yet) and Logan is wide open as usual. Drew is reading better and better and still has a loving excitement every time he discovers he can read a new book. He has a new friend from church named Ms. Kathleen that comes and reads with him from time to time (while I sneak in a nap). She is a reading specialist at a local school for the first grade and has a wonderful supply of different books for him to read to her. She is a wonderful dear for volunteering to come spend time with him. Logan has started to recognize small words and sounds and loves to "read" with us. He also loves for Drew to make up stories to tell him. Unfortunately, most of those stories are made up after bedtime and get ended before he would like. They have truly become best friends and this makes my heart so happy. They are inseparable. Peyton loves to sing. She walks around singing the words that she can remember to a number of songs. Her favorite of late is "Jesus loves me." I could listen to her sweet little voice all day long. She absolutely loves her baby brother and "squishes" him often. I have to pry him from her arms on a regular basis. She tries to pick him up and put him in her lap for "kisses." Drew and Logan also adore Carter and lavish him with hugs, kisses, an endless supply of baby toys, and praises of how cute he is. He is such a joy. Now for the pictures. These are random pictures that I have taken over the last few weeks. They are mostly self explanatory. Enjoy.

This is Drew's first sentence. I was with the baby and when I got back, he had written this all by himself (notice the "u" for an "a") I was very proud of my little man. He went on to try to write, "it's sunny outside."

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