Friday, March 12, 2010


Peyton, and all of her 3 year old self, often calls me "Mom." Not "Mommy" or "Momma" like the boys, but "Mom." Every time she says it, I flash forward to her being 16 and adding a little drawl in the middle, "" I imagine this will also include the traditional teenage eye-roll. I hate it. I am not the only one who doesn't like her "grown up" name for me. When she says it around Pete, he gives her a little nudge, "Sweety, let's call her Mommy." Even Drew and Logan get in on our plea to keep her young. Logan will say, "It's Mommy, Peyton" with an exasperated tone. In the car today, Drew lovingly gave her a mini lecture, "We should call her Mommy or Momma, but Mom is what older boys and girls call their mommies. "

All of this is an ever present reminder that my children, my Peyton, will grow up and it will be speedy. I am not afraid of them growing up although I am like most moms who think it all happens too fast. I am, however, afraid of the changes that come with our children growing up. I already can see so many personality changes in my children and I realize that I went through many myself as I grew up. I so desire a great relationship with my children as they go through every stage in life.

Lord, I pray that whatever changes my children go through, Pete and I will always be the most influential people in their lives (until they are married!) and Lord, please make Peyton call me "Mommy."

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